Friday, 12 October 2012

An Explanation of Absence.

Dear Blog,

I am writing to you in hope that you will accept my humblest apologies.  When our relationship began it was fresh; it was exciting.  We met regularly and conversation was easy.  Our interactions were joyful and cathartic in a crazy and confusing time in my life.  When we were apart you were ever on my mind, as I made mental lists of topics I wished to bring to you.

The last two months I have been distant.  At first you were a victim of circumstance, as life swallowed time.  However, as weeks went on - though time was still a precious commodity - it was shame that kept me from coming to you.  What would I say?  How do you explain your sudden and unplanned absence to one who was once so close?  What if I was to mend our relationship only to disappear once more?  So I avoided you, though you never left my mind.  The guilt weighed upon me.

But here I am, Blog.  I'm writing to you now to say sorry.  Sorry for building our relationship into something beautiful, only to up and leave you alone and uncertain of where we stood or whether I would return.  Please accept this and believe me when I say that I have learnt from my failings and I am committed to you from here on in.

I feel that it is only right that with this apology I offer some form of explanation, though I do not claim to have an excuse for my actions.

It turns out that not a lot happens in the middle trimester.  Don't get me wrong, Wifey has not ceased her expansion (you should see her now, Blog, she really is bulging!), but beyond that, there have been no real pregnancy revelations.  Yes, we go for a checkup every couple of weeks and the public hospital waiting room is the same assortment of folk all crushed closer than you would ever expect to be to a stranger (outside of a Big Day Out moshpit), staring at a tiny, flickering, muted television, pretending that they are 100% engaged with Ellen re-runs, in order to excuse interacting with those around them.  Wifey and I generally amuse ourselves with games of "Pick-the-Father", "Which-One's-Pregnant?" and "Who-Just-Farted?".  This is fun (for the first hour), but when we finally get seen to, it's generally just "How are you feeling?", "Is she still kicking?" and "You can go now."

On top of this lack of inspiration, is the fact that my every waking moment away from work has been occupied with facilitating Wifey's nesting.  You may recall, Blog, that dump that we bought to live in?  Well it ain't such a dump no more!  But I think I'll save expansion on that point for our next exchange.

I hope that this letter finds you well.  I promise that I will be back in touch soon - shall we say within a week?

Yours sincerely,
Dad In The Deep End.

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