Saturday, 28 July 2012

Mother's Intuition: What's That Baby?

I always kind of saw myself as being a father to boys: it's what I am, it's what I know.  Over the past couple of weeks Wifey had become more and more sure that it was a lady-baby brewing and when she felt one of the first kicks while having her nails done she became certain.  "Mother's intuition" she said.

Well, I wasn't going to believe "mother's intuition" from a lady who, just four months earlier, was adamant that she was two weeks late due to jet lag!  But the results are back and her inkling was well-placed: we are having a girl.

My immediate reaction was something along the lines of, "there goes the BMX buddy", but on reflection I have decided the dream may not be lost.  I am not talking along the lines of the Canadian lunatics who were attempting to raise their child without revealing the gender so as not to place worldly stereotypes upon he/she/it.  But I certainly don't see why my daughter can't rip it up on a BMX with the best of them; it was good enough for Nicole Kidman, after all!

But really, I will give my daughter every opportunity to take up my passions, but if she (like her mother) decides ballet is her thang, I'll be that dad at the back with the over-sized tripod and far-too-flash video camera who knows the routine a little too well.  Ballet I can cop: ballet is graceful, ballet is beautiful; ballet builds strength, flexibility and balance - all of which will be essential in her path to becoming a professional surfer.  Look out Steph Gilmore, we're gunning for you!

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